
Exploring Garri : Is it a Good Choice for Diabetics?

Greetings, valued readers,

In Nigerian cuisine, few staples hold as much cultural significance as garri. With its unique texture and storied history, garri has woven itself into the fabric of daily life, gracing countless tables across the nation. It is the go-to for most Nigerians students in secondary schools and tertiary institutions. As we embark on a journey to unravel the intricate relationship between garri and a health-conscious lifestyle, we delve into a question that echoes in many minds: Is garri a friend or foe for individuals with diabetes?


Diabetes, a persistent condition characterized by fluctuating blood sugar levels, necessitates a conscious approach to maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Within this endeavor, the role of diet stands paramount. Join me as we delve into the realm of garri—a carbohydrate-rich delight—and explore its compatibility with a health-conscious way of life.

The Intricate Dance: Garri and Diabetes Mellitus

It’s intriguing to discover that garri can indeed complement the health journey of individuals with diabetes. Rigorous studies underline cassava’s significance as a valuable energy source, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. To truly grasp the relationship between garri and diabetes, let’s unravel the nutritional intricacies of both garri and its source, cassava.

The Nutritional Composition of Garri

Born from the cassava root, garri emerges as a carbohydrate-rich fare endowed with essential nutrients, including carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

A mere 100-gram serving of garri contains 363.189 calories, 1.596g of protein, 0.724g of fat, and 86.889g of carbs. But the story extends beyond these numbers—it’s rooted in the inherent qualities of cassava. Discussing Garri’s nutritional profile is incomplete without delving into the nutrient richness of the cassava plant, as garri finds its origin solely in this botanical source. 

About 191 calories are contained in 100 grams of cassava. The majority of these calories come from carbs, while the rest comes from protein and fat. Natural dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals are also present in that serving. Cassava flours another output from cassava is a treasure trove of nutrients. Rich in vitamin C—a potent antioxidant enhancing immunity and collagen production—and copper—an essential mineral vital for neurotransmitter synthesis and immune function—it encapsulates a holistic approach to well-being.

Decoding the Blood Sugar Equation and Fiber

Central to the discussion is the impact of garri on blood sugar levels—a pivotal concern for those managing diabetes. The carbohydrate content of garri can indeed trigger an increase in blood sugar. Yet, the magnitude of this impact dances in the realm of variables: portion size, accompaniments, and individual dietary patterns all contribute to the symphony of blood sugar response.

Fiber emerges as an unsung hero in this narrative. Garri, with its fiber content, possesses the potential to modulate the pace of carbohydrate digestion. This can translate into a gentler rise in blood sugar levels compared to foods bereft of fiber’s calming touch.

Now Let’s Talk – Portion Control

The key for diabetics lies not in avoiding garri but in embracing it with prudence. It’s perfectly safe and could even have a few benefits for diabetics; these benefits will be covered in our next blog post / guide Garri 102.

The allure of garri can be enjoyed while heeding the subtleties of portion sizes and the glycemic index, effectively steering the course of blood sugar reactions.

Moderation is a cornerstone of all health lifestyle management most importantly in relation to diabetes management, it steps to the forefront when garri graces the plate. While the allure of garri remains, portion control emerges as a vital ally—especially for those navigating the delicate dance of blood sugar levels. Gauging serving sizes and embracing the glycemic index can wield influence over the choreography of blood sugar responses.

Diabetic individuals embarking on the garri journey will find solace in strategic pairings. Harmonizing garri with sources of protein, healthy fats, and non-starchy vegetables orchestrates a slower absorption of carbohydrates, offering a gradual and measured rise in blood sugar levels.

In the quest for informed dietary decisions, the counsel of healthcare professionals should be a guiding star. For those treading the path of diabetes, consultation with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian ensures tailored guidance aligned with individual health objectives.

Optimizing consumption with neatness

People who indulge in garri must also be mindful of its processing journey. It’s advisable to purchase garri from reputable brands that can guarantee that the garri was properly prepared. The care and precision with which garri is produced can significantly impact its nutritional qualities. That’s why at our Feels Essential Foods Limited factory, we are committed to crafting a neatly processed garri that adheres to the highest standards. Our dedication ensures that you receive the best Ijebu garri, where tradition and quality converge seamlessly.

Tips and Garri Consumption Recipes

Garri’s versatility shines through a myriad of delectable forms. It can be relished hot; cold; sweet and as a savory snack, usually transformed into exquisite creations like Eba, Garrin Kwado, Kokoro, or Garri Cake, it caters to a spectrum of tastes and occasions. The most popular method is soaking it for drinking as an afternoon pick me up snack.

How to prepare garri for drinking:

Commence by soaking the Garri in water, followed by the addition of sugar or milk, rendering it palatable. In fact, Ijebu garri, with its pleasantly tangy flavor, requires no further embellishments to be enjoyed in this form. Ijebu garri, and other garri variants can be used for this purpose. To make garri for drinking: Combine 1 cup of garri with an equal measure of cold water. For a touch of sweetness, incorporate honey or sugar. Adding milk imparts creaminess, while the introduction of textural elements like coconut flakes, groundnuts, or roasted fish elevates the experience. Personally, I find that the sweet and crunchy kuli kuli from Feels Essential Foods online shop, coupled with a blend of sugar and salt, milk, and coconut flakes, adds a delightful dimension to the drink.

How to make Eba:

Eba stands as a robust, compact amalgamation achieved through the infusion of garri with hot water, followed by the diligent kneading process using a baton until it attains a seamless and firm consistency. To make Eba; Begin by pouring 2 cups of boiling water into a bowl, and then introduce 1 cup of garri. Thoroughly knead the components until achieving a lump-free, velvety texture, subsequently shaping the concoction into a cohesive dough ball. The accompaniment of Eba with a diverse range of soups adds a harmonious dimension—whether opting for a timeless vegetable broth or the rich embrace of a hearty West African soup like Egusi; Okra; Banga; and Vegetable soup.

How to make Garrin Kwado:

Garin Kwado, also known as “Ground Cassava,” is a fundamental component of Northern Nigerian cuisine. To make Garrin Kwado; Pour garri into the bowl, followed by some water and little oil, then mix the two until lump-free, add onion and other ingredients like vegetables, spices, and sometimes meat or fish; in boarding school we used to add sardines.

How to make Kokoro:

Garri can also be made into Kokoro, which is a popular Nigerian snack food. However, Kokoro isn’t made with garri alone. Instead, it is made from a paste of maize flour, which is mixed with garri and sugar. 

How to make Garri Cake:

Garri Cake is a delightful and innovative creation. It is a unique fusion of traditional ingredients and modern culinary creativity, resulting in a dessert-like treat that is both intriguing and delicious slightly sweet and very creamy. It is made for occasions such as birthdays or picnics. To make Garri Cake; Add 2 cups of garri to 2 cups of cold water and stir it to make a paste. Then add at least 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar and half a cup of room temperature butter and stir until smooth. In a separate bowl, mix 3 tablespoons of powdered milk, 2 tablespoons of powdered chocolate or two drops of strawberry flavoring, then add it to the first bowl, stir until smooth, pour it into a cake pan and refrigerate for 1-2 days.

Where can you get it?

You can find garri at our online shop. We sell it in its raw, granulated form so you can prepare it however you like. Want to eat it hot and pre-cooked? Check out your local (African) restaurant, near you.


Garri holds the potential to harmonize with a diabetic diet when approached thoughtfully within the framework of a balanced eating plan. Its carbohydrate essence and the ensuing blood sugar response stand as considerations. Yet, when portioned wisely and partnered judiciously, garri can find its place in the ensemble of health-conscious choices.

As we partake in this exploration of garri’s role in diabetes management, let’s embrace knowledge as the foundation for nourishment. Informed choices empower us to relish the culinary delights that resonate with tradition while upholding our commitment to well-being.

Now, dear readers, we turn to you: Have you found Garri to be a friend in your quest for a balanced diet? How have you incorporated garri into your meals while managing diabetes? Share your insights, experiences, and creative recipes in the comments below. Let’s continue this conversation and learn from one another’s journeys!

1 thought on “Exploring Garri : Is it a Good Choice for Diabetics?”

  1. What a read! I have tasted cassava during my visit to Nigeria it was a whole some experience. I also had abaca. Very educating piece. Can you write about abaca, what is it made from ?

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